Party with a Purpose! June 17, 2011.

Hello Everyone!  I feel very honored to be the artist paired with the Infectious Disease Research Institute, they are the main organization that this party is benefiting.  They are doing research for an immunization for TB, Malaria, HIV and other major work!  I am creating a painting to show the evolution of the TB vaccine, it will be displayed at the party than will reside in the headquarters for IDRI.  This party is a big deal and I think that you all should come!  Check out the website and buy your tickets from the link there. 

I hope to see you there!

Lots of love, 


It’s only two weeks away! Don’t forget to buy your tickets!

June 17, 2011.
McCaw Hall, Seattle.
1000 young Seattleites are celebrating.
Their city is a nexus for global health.
They are joining the movement.
They are dressed to impress.
The food is delicious.
The drinks are fantastic.
The venue is beautiful.
The art is inspiring.
The music is bumping.
Everyone is dancing.
We are fighting tuberculosis.
We are making a better vaccine.
We are simplifying diagnosis.
We are helping heal Haiti.
We party with a purpose.

Please spread this around.

p.s. Wanna get in for FREE? We are looking for volunteers as well. Volunteers that work for the entire night get a complementary ticket! For more volunteer information, email Jori Saeger at